"Dots with Amy" Workshop
Amy Scott
Attention couples, family members, friends, parents, individuals, businesses, sports teams, not-for-profits, schools, organisations... absolutely everyone!!!
Prevent misunderstandings, communicate with more confidence, and improve relationships, all while having fun.
Here is what your life will look like after you do "Dots with Amy".
- You will strengthen your relationships with everyone around you.
- You will say goodbye to niggly conflicts at work and at home.
- You will play to your strengths and win more in all areas of your life
- You will understand how others like to receive information, get on their wavelength, and get things done.
If you are looking for less stress, less friction, more connection, and a happier life then this program is for you.
A simple technique to help you communicate with more clarity, confidence and compassion
"Dots with Amy" is a research-based program developed in New Zealand. This technique has already enriched the lives of more than 24,942 people.
Until now, you could only work with Amy in group coaching costing upwards of $14,000. Now you can access the same magic in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, for a fraction of the price.
When you buy the program you get access for 90 days. Watch it as many times as you like during the 90 days, to stay refreshed and on top of your game.
Who is "Dots with Amy" for?
- For couples who want to connect deeper
- For people experiencing friction with challenging colleagues
- For parents struggling to get through to their kids
- For families who wish they were closer
- For anyone wanting to communicate better with the people in your life.
Get instant access now for $467