Business Rebirth Winter Journey

Dates: Tuesdays, July 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th & 6 August 2024.
Location: Via Zoom.

Winter is a powerful time to deepen your roots, and reach further down to find new nourishment in your business. If any waning passion, motivation or clarity has been making your bones heavy – it’s right on cue.

Introducing the Business Rebirth 6 Week Winter Journey

Who is this for?
This is dedicated to the trailblazers and inspired Business Owners who are seeking to elevate, simplify or consolidate their body of work – You are invited into this Journey to bask in the guidance, clarity and intentional support that allows you to see your business in a fresh new light!

What does this involve?
With weekly Business Rebirth Community Zoom Call’s and a dedicated Facebook group, you will receive the guidance and insights to uplevel, expand or elevate your Business Service. 

Why is Business Rebirthing important?
Our business needs to evolve to match our ever-evolving hearts and this is the perfect time of the year to turn within, sink down deeper and receive the next insight on your purpose and mission in business.

  • Outcomes of this journey that you can choose:

  • Simplify operations and make business easier

  • Renew your view of the value you offer

  • Concentrate on what’s most fulfilling

  • Rebirth your message and mission

  • Introduce a new modality

  • Raise your rates

  • Update your website

  • Add a new service

  • Lift your confidence

What are the topics for each weekly 90min Rebirth Community Call?

July 2nd (Wk 1) The Golden Thread: Connecting personally with your public expertise

July 9th (Wk 2) Reflective Insights: What’s easiest & most prosperous?

July 16th (Wk 3) Purpose Activation: Joy + appreciation + market demand

July 23rd (Wk 4) Shedding Skins: How to withdraw energy to grow higher

July 30th (Wk 5) Self-Authorisation: Back-story gives your arrival tangible merit

Aug 6th (Wk 6) Celebration: Clarity & planning to integrate your Biz Rebirth


The Journey:
Business Rebirth Winter Journey Guide (Simple reflections for potent clarity)

Weekly 90min Rebirth Community Zoom Call on Tuesdays from 12pm (with replays available)

Weekly Thursday Rebirth Community Facebook Group (Q&A available between 10-2pm)

$555 (Limited to 20 attendee's)


  • This dedicated container offers gentle safe space, we ask all attendee’s to be respectful, accepting and compassionate towards themselves and one another

  • Everyone has permission to speak freely and voice their views respectfully

  • If and when doubt, fear or shame arises – slow down, offer yourself compassion and ask for support

To Register:

If you can agree to the boundaries above and you would like to join for the Business Rebirth Winter Journey, schedule a 30min Introduction Call with Lysa here: This is where you can share your intentions, desired outcomes and meet Lysa 1:1 to begin.

Payments will be made through Heart Place Hospital. Invoice details will be provided after the introductory Call with Lysa. Those who make their payment first will be added to the group on a first come, first serve basis.

We are a LGBTQAI + BIPOC welcoming - We will all be in a soft safe sanctuary together.

Meet your hosts

Lysa Black

Lysa Black is the Business Rebirth Guide. Re-niching and repositioning herself 6 times over her 15 year Business Career showed Lysa that our Business needs to expand to match our ever-evolving heart. Being the sole financial provider for 5 years for her family initiated Lysa's pioneering Feminine Approach to Business; she guides Inspired Business Leaders to earn more by doing less! She opened to receive her first $100K in 2018 & has since rebirthed her work again post-pandemic to open to $94K in turn-over. She has pioneering a feminine way to nourish and nurture ourselves while contributing our best service to our community!

Jacqui O'Connor

Jacqui OConnor is the founder of the Heart Place Hospital Charity; a beacon of hope and a new model for the next evolution in healthcare systems. Jacqui has pioneered a way to address immediate healthcare needs as well as educating and re-power individuals to promote overall well-being. Her contributions have initiated the rebirth of many community health and education initiatives, inspiring a new generation of healthcare professionals and advocates who are dedicated to heart-centred and community-focused healthcare solutions.


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